Inactive Proposals

Inactive proposals are proposals that at one point were presented to the committee but were subsequently abandoned, withdrawn, or rejected.

RegExp.escapeDomenic Denicola, Benjamin GruenbaumRejected: in favor of exploring a template tag function solution
Callable class constructorsYehuda Katz and Allen Wirfs-BrockWithdrawn: can be solved with decorators
Error.isErrorJordan HarbandWithdrawn: in favor of Error stack traces proposal
{Set,Map}.prototype.toJSONDavid Bruant and Jordan HarbandRejected: better solved by a custom replacer function.
Typed ObjectsTill Schneidereit (previously Dmitry Lomov, Niko Matsakis)Postponed: waiting for WebAssembly requirements to become clearer
Object enumerablesLeo Balter & John-David DaltonRejected
Cancelable PromisesDomenic DenicolaWithdrawn
Proposed Grammar change to ES ModulesBradley FariasRejected: No consensus on this specific solution.
Dynamic Module ReformCaridy PatiñoWithdrawn: we decided to preserve the current semantics
SIMD.JS - SIMD APIsPeter Jensen, Yehuda KatzStage 1: Start with SIMD in WASM; implementations not pursuing SIMD.js for now.
Updates to Tail Calls to include an explicit syntactic opt-inBrian Terlson & Eric FaustInactive
Object.shallowEqualSebastian MarkbageWithdrawn
%constructor%.constructJames M SnellWithdrawn
Builtins.typeOf() and M SnellWithdrawn: can be solved in other ways
Tagged Collection LiteralsKat MarchánWithdrawn: pursuing when new syntax and other alternatives
Date.parse fallback semanticsMorgan PhillipsInactive; likely replaced by uniform parsing of quasi-standard Date.parse input
Distinguishing literal stringsMike West & Adam KleinWithdrawn: Trusted Types no longer a dependent
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